Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Gonna be a long rainy season

I miss the good old days when a thunderstorm hardly caused her to blink. She'd shrug her shoulders in her doggy sort of way and continue to munch on her bone. Something happened in the past year -- I don't know what -- and now she is traumatized by the mere sound of rain hitting the window. Panic attacks. She whines, pants hard, paces the floor. Her heart feels like it is going to beat out of her chest. So, in the middle of the night, I get up to console her. On the sofa.

Poor Meems.

Is it normal for her to acquire fear as she ages? She's 8 and a half now. I try to make her feel better, but she is mostly inconsolable.

The dark clouds photo above was taken at 3:55 in the afternoon yesterday. By 3:56 a heavy downpour was in progress. We don't get tornados, just heavy rain and lightning.

It is like this today too, and for almost every day in the 15-day forecast. Rainy season isn't going to be much fun with Mimi's phobia going on.

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