Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Crazy dog man

I was walking through a village on the morning of Chinese New Year when I ran across this man carrying a dog that looks somewhat similar to Mimi. So, of course, I had to stop and have a chat with the guy. I mean, obviously he has good taste in dogs, if not dog fashion. 

The guy told me his dog was born on August 3, 2003, and was two years older than Mimi. Can you believe that? He didn't even get the dog until it was three months old, and the guy knew the dog's exact birthdate! And he's a man. I knew there were crazy dog ladies in this world, but I was talking with a bona fide crazy dog MAN.

I pretend to know my dog's birthdate, but really, it is just a good estimate, give or take a week.

I got rid of some of Mimi's old clothes in the past month. I should have thought to give them to another Pekingese dog owner. This dog would've looked cute in Mimi's hand-me-downs. I mean, this dog doesn't look BAD, but seriously? Everyone knows that bold horizontal stripes visually add pounds to your figure!

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