Saturday, December 20, 2008

Love Me, Love My Dog

Can't help myself....

I have a windowsill in my bedroom where Mimi can get an extra dose of Vitamin D provided by the sun.

I bought Mimi a stuffed panda in Chengdu. She alternately loves it, uses it for a pillow, and kills it by thrashing it with her teeth.

She loves macaroni and cheese (this batch has ground beef mixed in it). On a paper plate, she can carry it with her from room to room, and even take it to bed with her. Unfortunately for me, her bed is my bed, so yes, I regret to inform you that sometimes I sleep on a bed with macaroni and cheese. Maybe this is not cool, but I promise you my life is never dull. Maybe I need to give her a heavier plate.

Some American friends dropped by to visit Mimi and me one day, so Mimi got a bath and had to wear clothes that day.
Mimi rules, still. Don't tell the Dog Whisperer.

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