Sunday, February 02, 2014

Crossed the line

I had a goal in mind when I was in the U.S. over the Christmas holidays.

I almost forgot about it in the rush of the holidays, but then a few days before I returned overseas, I borrowed my parents' car. My dad reached into his pocket and pulled out some change. He knew I didn't need the 53 cents, but he wanted to pay for this momentous occasion, to be a part of it.

I drove to town, pulled into the drive-up window at McDonalds, rolled down the window, and said these words for the very first time:

"I want a senior coffee."

Because, you see, I am now old enough to get a senior discount at McDonalds!

I have looked forward to this day ever since a decade or so ago when I discovered my dad could get McDonalds senior coffees for 27 cents (in another city where the price is lower).

People younger than me will not understand why it is such a good thing to get older. People my age and older totally get it though. It is an honor to say I lived long enough to be a senior.

At least by the standards of McDonalds.

It is a proud moment.

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