Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Update on my parents

My Mom:

As you know, my mom fell in early December and broke a vertebrae. She had back surgery and returned home. About a week later the pain became so excruciating that she couldn't (and still can't) walk any further than about 50 feet.

Yesterday, an x-ray found out why. A piece of the L3 vertebra (the one that was repaired) has separated from the main body of the vertebra and is sticking out where it doesn't belong, and when my mom tries to stand and puts her spine in compression, this fragment presses on nerves and is causing the excruciating pain.

They can't surgically repair this problem, but are hoping the broken piece will re-attach itself and heal over time.

PLEASE SPECIFICALLY PRAY FOR GOD TO HEAL THIS VERTEBRAE IN MY MOM'S BACK. Pray that the bone will re-attach itself so my mom can walk pain free.

On a positive note, she sounds really good and chipper on the phone.

My Dad:

My mom can hardly walk, and certainly can't bend or do anything strenuous, so my dad is taking the lead on most projects around the house and in town. He does grocery shopping, cooking, etc. My mom feels bad that he is left doing so much of the work, but he reminded her of their 1955 wedding vows where they promised each other to stick it out "in sickness and in health," "in good times and bad," and such as that. 

My brother J and his wife and son live 3 miles down the road, and though they work (and attend school, in the case of my nephew), they pitch in quite a lot too. 

Thanks for those who asked about my parents' situation, and please keep them in your prayers as they deal with this challenge.

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