Friday, January 04, 2013

New Year Update

I went on a train trip the week after Christmas and got back before the end of 2012. 

The January 1st new year is not such a big deal here, but people do shoot off firecrackers at midnight for about 15 minutes. I was awakened by them at midnight this year. (What, are you kidding? I'm not staying up for midnight! The new year comes whether you are awake or asleep, and I love my sleep.)

I'm expecting a great year in 2013, but it has been a rocky start. I had a migraine on New Year's Day. In the three days since then I have been fighting a very, very bad sore throat, the kind that hurts to swallow and feels like your throat is almost swollen shut. Yesterday I could do nothing except lie on the sofa and entertain myself with another NCIS marathon (on DVD, with no commercials). Gibbs, DiNozzo, Ziva, McGee, Abby and Ducky are starting to feel like old friends.

During the day I took small breaks from the TV marathon and googled all kinds of sore throat home remedies. I even tried some old Amish remedy of sucking/chewing on garlic. I also tried dry cinnamon; all kinds of gargling solutions; honey; lemon; ginger in tea, and even over-the-counter medicines. Nothing helped.

This morning, I gave in. The doc says it is a bad infection, and I started antibiotics. 

My body apparently serves as a 5-star hotel as far as bacteria are concerned, a cozy place to live. As soon as they get kicked out of one area of my body, they switch rooms and go to another part. I'm so familiar with them that, in my mind, I picture what they look like (the three ringleaders look like brown M&M's with legs and arms, in case you want to know) and have given a few of them names.

No one is more shocked and annoyed as me that when one infection ends, another begins. It is absolutely unbelievable. It feels like the enemy is involved. 

Prayer and penicillin keeps me going.

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