Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Let it rain, let it pour!

Mimi got a raincoat in the mail today from my mom and dad. After I took these pictures, I realized I had it on inside out. It's a wee bit snug, but on rainy days this rain-hating diva doggy is going to be dry!
She's really, really thrilled about wearing it, can you tell? The only thing she hates worse than rain is clothing.
But I make her wear clothing sometimes anyway. Here (above) she is being the life of the party, my recent Christmas party, that is. The dog clothes protect people's clothes from getting so much dog hair on them. Except for a few minutes on the sofa with her new friends, Mimi (also known as "The Meems") sat in the rocking chair with that same guy for the entire two-hour party. He has (or had) four dogs growing up. He started to tell us what happened to one of them when he almost started crying, so he decided not to tell us. Fine with me, I don't want to know.
You see, Mimi and clothes just don't get along well. She likes this soft t-shirt material better than some of her other clothing, and it keeps her warm on frigid days, but she can't seem to figure out what the armholes are for. Don't worry, she still has all four of her limbs intact, she's just hiding one of them. This works fine until it's time to get up and walk around. I always have to take her clothes off when I leave the house to run errands to prevent this from happening when I'm not around.

Mimi turns 7 in January. My, how the years fly by!

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