Monday, August 20, 2012

Feels like yesterday

I got to visit with several college friends in Texas recently. We graduated more than 30 years ago, but when we got together, someone commented, "it seems like the last time I saw you was yesterday." 

I'm pretty certain the last time I stayed up until 1:30 a.m. talking was during college!

This trip back, I've been blessed to see and visit more people than I did last time I was back. It's a good feeling to know that time doesn't rob of us our [most important] memories, and friendships endure despite years of separation. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If your in the states, that means I missed seeing you at the family reunion!Oh fooie I hate that but my brother Loyd is dying with cancer of the brain,lungs,liver and kidneys. Any way I found your blog address, so here I am. You know eventhough we didn't grow up together,I feel a closeness to you and I know that our Lord has drawn us together for a reason other than being family. Sisters in Christ.Love you and you take care and tell the family I said hi. your cuz, Ouita Colleen Jones