Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Pretty robe, but....

In the Taoist temple in Shanghai, I saw many of these Taoist robed priests chanting. It looks real, but they do it the same time every day so tourists can see it. Kind of seems like a "show" to me. Also, you have to pay to enter the temple. Can you imagine having to pay to go into a church to pray?

This is a female at a Buddhist nunnery in Shanghai, near Yu Gardens. Apparently she had lots of friends outside the nunnery (note that she is talking on a cell phone). She's about to put on those robes she is holding for a Buddhist chanting ceremony, not totally unlike the Taoist ceremony mentioned above.

In a country that is officially atheist, people have found a spiritual void. They are trying to fill it with things that will not satisfy. To them, it is like choosing a name brand cell phone. Will they choose Iphone, Samsung, Motorola? Will they choose Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity? That's the mindset, although we know Truth is not based on personal preference.

Comments anyone?

I thought I had my blog's "comments" disabled. But the other day, I got a comment. It was sent to my e-mail inbox for my approval.

I was so excited! To my surprise, I decided I like comments.

But in my excitement, I accidentally deleted the comment instead of posting it. (Sorry Catherine M., please try again sometime soon. I was so happy to hear from you. How's everything in Tassie?)

Friends and family, feel free to post comments. However, your comments won't appear until I have time to read and pre-approve them (and make sure they don't use inappropriate wording, if you know what I mean). If I am traveling, the posting of comments may be slightly delayed.

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