Thursday, July 19, 2007

Trivia for Today

This picture has nothing to do with what I'm writing about today, but I thought you'd like to see that my dog "collects" things around the house and puts them in the middle of the floor. She feels comfy when surrounded by as much "stuff" as possible.
Here's my trivia story for today. I get paid in America by money that is put in my U.S. bank account. To get my money over to China, I have to use an ATM machine. Every transaction with the ATM machine costs me $7.31!!! It used to be that the most I could get in one transaction was $250, but now they've raised it to $300 per transaction. I think that is rather high, don't you? The only other option is to wire myself money, which is $50 per transaction. The cost of living keeps getting higher and higher over here. I'm not really complaining, just thought you'd be interested in knowing how much things cost over here. Food? Cheap. Banking Fees? Atrocious.

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